400+ Fun & Unbelievable Hockey Facts for Kids [112 페이지]

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  • 400개 이상의 놀라운, 재미있는, 충격적인 하키 사실과 퀴즈
  • 놀라운 사실들은 하키의 과학, 미친 역습 이야기, 가장 화려한 윙거, 가장 창의적인 센터들 등 다양한 주제를 다룹니다.
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  • 혹시 한 팬이 플레이오프 중에 실제 문어를 얼음 위로 던진 적이 있었다는 것을 알고 계셨나요?
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당신의 삶 속에 하키 중독자가 있다면...


Is there someone in your life who loves hockey?

Are they one of those kids (or adults!) who just can't seem to get enough hockey facts & knowledge?

Whether they're a 
young player, a new fan, or a fanatic - their hunger for hockey needs satisfying.

Inside our gigantic book of facts, your hockey fan is about to discover:

  • 400+ mind-blowing, fun, jaw-dropping hockey facts & trivia
  • Unbelievable facts including the science of hockey, tales of insane comebacks, the wildest wingers, and the most creative centres...
  • With a beautiful interior layout to keep the reader engaged...
  • Written by a semi-pro hockey player & lifelong fan...
  • 20 different chapters spanning across player superstitions, famous fans, formidable friendships, coaching facts, women in hockey, and many more...
  • This is simply the perfect gift for the hockey lover in your life!

Here's a few example facts from inside our book...

  • Did you know that hockey pucks were once made of frozen cow dung - which would often shatter in the cold?
  • Or, did you know that a fan once threw a real Octopus onto the Ice during the playoffs?
  • Can you name the coach who is as loved for his mousache, as much as his coaching accomplishments?

No matter whether the hockey fan in your life is young or old - everybody who flips open the pages of this book is sure to learn some fascinating new facts & obscure hockey trivia.

So, if you've got a hockey obsessed person in your life...

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이용 후기 작성 ▶ 포인트 적립💪

리뷰 작성 👉 100 포인트

리뷰➕사진 👉 200 포인트

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